Thursday, February 26, 2009

confessions of a nut who doesnt care about the enviroment

       This is the is the post of a self-professed car,facebook and msn title is words of wisdom from a i was thinkin......why on earth are we so concered about our enviorement?i dunno...i personally don't give a damn about the enviorement.I love cars which gives out huge amounts of CO2(personal favourites incude Maserati,Ferrari,Bently,Rolls-Royce,Aston Martins,Buggati Veyron of cource..the Haloed ''LAMBORGHINI'S. )i stay in the bathroom for hours with the hot water running(of course i get scolded when i get out or the light and hot water mysteriously turns of)and love to eat sushi(which supports the killing of specics near exticntion)but at the end of the day you stop you and start thinkin about certain issues such as the rising level of the ocean,the extinction of many specics,the stink of the air we breath in,we have no choice but to realise the wrongs of our actions.....but then again..i dont own a super car which gives an unimaginable amunt of carbon into the air which means im good right?.........peace out homies....